The Atlanta 500 Women Scientists and the Grady High School 500WS pods at their intergenerational reproductive justice training.
Nicole M. Baran

Connect with the Science Network

The Science Network can connect you with other experts to help you learn and work together on the issues you care about the most.

The Science Network can connect you with other experts to help you learn and work together on the issues you care about the most.

The Science Network also provides resources to set up your own team of likeminded scientist-advocates, offers an online community where Science Network members learn from and support one another, and so much more.

Leadership development

Connect with other scientist advocates to learn and grow together on the issues you care about. Learn more about Science Network Leadership Development initiatives and opportunities, like Team-Based Organizing.

Connect with your community online

While we all do our part to respond to the ongoing pandemic, the Science Network is also shifting its efforts to be responsive to what people need to engage their communities now—and what they need to develop the skills to be able to effectively advocate in the future. Apply to the Science for Public Good Fund.

Science Rising

Science Rising is a network of partners and advocates that fights for science, equity, and justice in our democracy. Learn about how you can get your friends, family, and classmates more involved in our democracy.

Early Career Scientist Community Building

If you’re an early career scientist who wants to jump-start science advocacy in your community, apply to the Science for Public Good Fund for funds and resources to help you get started.

Partner with the Science Network

By working in collaboration with our partners, the UCS Science Network wants to build power and broader cultural support for scientist engagement across the scientific community. Learn about what we can accomplish together, and read about the principles we bring to our partnerships.

Scientist-Community Partnerships

By partnering with communities, scientists have a tremendous opportunity to improve community access to technical information. Scientist-community partnerships can help level the playing field for communities that are being shut out of important policy discussions. Read more about how to build equitable partnerships.

Connect with the Science Network on Twitter

Follow SciNetUCS to join in conversations about science advocacy, hear about our latest action opportunities, and celebrate the stories from other Science Network members.

Hear stories from other Science Network members

Read about how scientists found their way into policy, advocacy, and even politics.